
今天克萊又來跟大家分享 Seafret 的歌曲啦~ 這首 Beauty On The Breeze 歌名很美很有意境,但更棒的是它的歌詞!

先前克萊有在 Seafret  的介紹文章說過他們的歌詞和其他同期樂團,或是單單和他們完整的歌曲旋律相比,稍稍有些薄弱,但是 Beauty On The Breeze  的歌詞雖然用字也很簡單,但是就好像一個朋友在跟你說話,一開始先和你一起回想以前生活的無憂無慮,再來告訴你千萬別被如今的現實消磨掉當初的理想!就算長大了,這個「變成大人」的自己還是擁有作夢、浪漫、開懷大笑的資格,鼓勵你要變得勇敢、不要放棄......


生活中本來就會有對自己失望、不敢向前、不知道自己的定位在哪的徬徨時刻,要一瞬間就變得陽光又正面其實很難,但是我們可以試著慢慢地一步步前進 ,就像   Beauty On The Breeze  這首歌裡的 '' you '' 一樣,即使心裡還懷著一絲膽怯,還是可以往自由而自信的 '' I ''  前進,因為你,是如此美好!


09- Beauty On The Breeze

I hear that tune and it takes me back   我聽到了那旋律 它帶我回顧從前

To when everything was in it's place exact   回到一切尚且安好的時光

And we were smiling to be free   我們因為無比的自由而微笑

And you were smiling back at me   而你總會回過頭來對著我笑

You should always remember, not try to forget   你應該銘記那時光 不要試著遺忘

No matter how much they tell you   不論別人怎麼告訴你

Don't live and expect   人生不該為自己而活 不該抱有期望

It must be something I don't see    這些想法我從來沒見過

It must be something I'm missing   這些想法大概被我的人生遺漏了吧


Ain't no medicine for the weak   畏懼膽怯沒有良藥可醫

Gonna have to be strong on your...   你必須變得勇敢強壯

Sing song, dear!   來展現生命的樂章

And no it won't be long 'till you're with me   退縮的心不會持續太久 只要你和我一起

Yeah I know you're getting near   我知道你正漸漸靠近

By the beauty on the breeze   因為我能感受到微風中的美好席來


On a ship with no anchor and no direction to go,    在一艘沒有停泊的錨也不知其所向的船上

Yet we all have a room, we're staying afloat    我們仍擁有自我的空間 飄飄然地

Could it be like this in my sleep   就如同我的夢境一般愜意

The future's hard to receive   畢竟未來實在太難捉摸


Ain't no medicine for the weak   畏懼膽怯沒有良藥可醫

Gonna have to be strong on your...   你必須變得勇敢強壯

Sing song, dear!   來展現生命的樂章

And no it won't be long 'till you're with me   退縮的心不會持續太久 只要你和我一起

Yeah I know you're getting near   我知道你正漸漸靠近

By the beauty on the breeze   因為我能感受到微風中的美好席來


Ain't no medicine for the weak   畏懼膽怯沒有良藥可醫

Gonna have to be strong on your...    你必須變得勇敢強壯

Sing song, dear!    來展現生命的樂章

And no it won't be long 'till you're with me    退縮的心不會持續太久 只要你和我一起

Yeah I know you're getting near   我知道你正漸漸靠近

By the beauty on the breeze   因為我能感受到微風中的美好席來

Yeah I know you're getting near    我知道你正漸漸靠近

By the beauty on the breeze    因為風中美好的你正向我走來




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